Drones’ registration made mandatory

KARACHI  (HRNW)  The Civil Aviation Authorities (CAA) on Sunday made mandatory the registration for drone cameras to operate in Pakistan, media reported.

The Ministry of Aviation has introduced stringent regulations concerning drone cameras, aiming to regulate their usage nationwide.

As per the new policy rules issued, it is now mandatory for all drone owners to register their devices with Civil Aviation within the next four months.

Additionally, the CAA will issue licenses to operators of these drone cameras, categorizing them into four distinct groups based on their weight.

The validity of the drone camera licenses will extend up to three years, facilitating their lawful operation within the country.

The policy also permits the import and export of drone cameras across all four categories, provided appropriate clearances are obtained from the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Aviation.

However, flying drones within border areas and restricted zones is strictly forbidden, and clearance from the Ministry of Defense is mandatory for importing these devices.

In cases of drone accidents, it is imperative to inform CAA promptly, furthermore, violations of these regulations will result in strict penalties for drone owners.

Flying drones within six kilometers of airports is explicitly banned to safeguard air traffic and ensure public safety.