Hyderabad’s tortured donkey dies in Karachi

KARACHI (HRNW)  A donkey, who was subjected to severe tortured by its owner in Hyderabad, died in Karachi’s Shelter home.

The donkey’s two legs were broken due to severe torture of its owner and was rushed to Karachi for treatment.

The news of donkey’s death was shared by the NGO on social media.

It is to be noted that the donkey was tortured by its owner in a fit of anger that broken his two legs.

As per the details, another animal was brutalized in Hyderabad, the second largest city of Sindh, where the owner cut off the leg of another donkey over a dispute with the other donkey cart driver.

In this regard, the police stated that the incident took place in Seri village. The accused, who drives a donkey cart, tortured the donkey following a dispute along the way.

The accused, Mir Rind, was arrested and sent to jail on a court order.