Karachi heatwave: 1592 people admitted to Jinnah Hospital during last 24 hours

KARACHI (HRNW)  As many as 1,592 people were admitted to Jinnah Hospital during the past 24 hours due to a heatwave in Karachi, media reported, quoting the hospital’s emergency ward in-charge.

According to Dr Nosheen, 1,592 heat-affected people were moved to the hospital during the last 24 hours out of which 20 lost their lives during treatment, while 29 were brought dead.

Karachi is experiencing severe hot weather due to the suspension of sea breeze. The MET office has predicted that hot weather conditions likely to remain in the port city till tomorrow.

People have been advised to avoid unnecessary exposure to sun from 10 to 4pm.

On Monday, Karachi experienced its hottest day of the year as temperatures soared to record high 42 degrees Celsius across the city.