Karachi: Killings by stray bullets on rise in rampant firing incidents

KARACHI (HRNW) City police has failed to halt incidents of aerial firing as a stray bullet injured an elderly woman at Martin Quarters in Teen Hatti area of the city.

“Muhammad Khatoon 75, was injured by a blind bullet while at her home in Martin Quarters”.

In a span of few hours a man was killed, and three persons injured in Karachi by stray bullets from unknown direction.

Three persons including a little girl and a student have been reported killed by stray bullets during rampant incidents of aerial firing within four days.

Hundreds of citizens have been injured this year in the city by stray bullets.

Few days ago, a two-year girl was killed in Landhi’s Future Colony by a stray bullet. Another girl Aasia lost her life by a stray bullet while sleeping at the rooftop of her home.

A boy Ali Raza 14, a 9th grade student, who was also sleeping at the roof of home during power load shedding hours, was killed by a bullet from unknown direction.