Cologne cardinal: ‘System of silence’ contributed to abuse scandal

The archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, admitted to a “systematic cover-up” in his archdiocese on Monday, just days after a team of German lawyers released a major 800-page report on sexual abuse cases in the city of Cologne.

“It should never have happened like this,” Woelcki said, adding that “administrative chaos,” a “system of silence, secrecy and a lack of control,” as well as “a lack of compassion (and) empathy” had contributed to the scandal.

“Rigorous action” now had to be taken to prevent this from happening in the future, Woelki conceded.

The report found that between 1975 and 2018, 202 people within the Cologne archdiocese were suspected of involvement in abuse, and that 63 per cent of those accused were clerics.

In almost half of cases – 47 per cent – the allegations pertained to sexual abuse or serious sexual abuse. The remainder were classified as other types of sexual misconduct and personal boundary violations.

A number of bishops and other church officials have been suspended or have offered their resignation in the wake of the report’s release.



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