Prosecutor: Right-wing extremism biggest threat to German democracy

Right-wing extremism is the biggest threat to the democratic order in Germany, Federal Public Prosecutor Peter Frank warned in remarks published on Thursday.

In recent years, right-wing extremism had achieved a “much broader ideological base, from classic Nazi ideology to conspiracy theories and Reich citizens,” Frank told the conservative Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper.

Reich Citizens, or Reichsbuerger, do not recognize the authority of the modern German state.

Frank said that at the same time, the threat posed by Islamist terrorism remains high.

Viewed purely in numerical terms, Islamist activities actually represented the majority of extremist acts, the federal prosecutor added.

“We must not labour under the illusion that Islamist terrorism has gone under with the break-up of IS [Islamic State] and the loss of its territorial rule in Iraq and Syria,” Frank asserted.

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