Sindh detains Daniel Pearl’s ‘killers’ for another three months

Karachi (HRNW) The Sindh government decided to rearrest the four men accused of killing journalist Daniel Pearl hours after the Sindh High Court acquitted them of the charge.

The home department issued an order stating that they would be detained for three more months on the recommendation of the CIA DIG, who said their release would create a “serious law and order situation”.

Ahmed Omar Shaikh, Fahad Nasim Ahmed, Salman Saqib and Sheikh Muhammad Adil will remain in custody for another three months. On Thursday, the court acquitted three of them but sentenced Ahmed Omar Shaikh to seven years for kidnapping.

Their appeals against their death sentences had been pending for 18 years.

The court had ordered the release of Ahmed, Saqib and Adil. But the government has exercised its powers under Section 3(1) of the West Pakistan Maintenance of Public Order Ordinance, 1960 and detained them. They will remain at Central Jail, Karachi for these three months.

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