Siraj ul Haq urges govt to control tsunami of price hike during Ramazan

Lahore (HRNW) Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, has urged the government to abandon political quibbling and control the tsunami of price hike during the holy month of Ramazan.
Talking to the media officials of the JI at Mansoora, he said that the steep rise in the prices of fruit and vegetables was highly disturbing for the people. The masses were being targeted by the drones of price hike while the rulers remained totally indifferent.
For the PTI government, Tabdeeli perhaps means reshuffling of bureaucracy only while the masses wanted improvement of their plight, he remarked. JI Information Secretary Qaisar Sharif was also present on the occasion.
Sirajul Haq said it was the height of the governments’ indifference that the doctors and nurses fighting on the front line of the corona virus were on protest for the lack of safety kits and several medics had embraced martyrdom while performing their duty.
If the shortage of safety kits became a hurdle in the doctors performance of their duties, the rulers would be responsible for that, he added.
The dream of an Islamic welfare state in the country would materialize only when honest and God fearing leadership was at the helm of the affairs, he added.
The JI chief said that the country was going deep into the mire of problems because the rulers thought themselves above the law.
Sirajul Haq said that Ramazan was the month of sacrifice, sympathy and sharing the worries of others but the rulers’ inefficiency had only brought troubles for the general public. Not to speak of fruit, he said, most of the people were finding it difficult even to purchase vegetables. The vendors were charging double pries of each item and the purchase committees seemed to be no-where.
The JI chief impressed upon the JI workers to make the best of the month of Ramazan by attending to their self purification on one hand and helping the fellow being in every way, on the other.
The JI chief again appealed to the government to arrange safety kits for the medics of the private hospitals as well. He said that the doctors and nurses who had lost their lives while trying to save the corona patients should be officially declared martyrs and their families accorded the protocol given to those offering their lives for the homeland.

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