UK’s Johnson to unveil road map for exiting virus lockdown

LONDON (HRNW) — The British government has replaced its “stay at home” coronavirus slogan with a new “stay alert” message, a move that has met with widespread criticism ahead of a speech Sunday in which Prime Minister Boris Johnson will lay out the stages for lifting the country’s lockdown.

Britain’s lockdown, which began March 23, has clearly reduced the transmission of the virus but the country’s daily death toll remains uncomfortably high, and as a result most restrictions are expected to remain.

After a week of mixed messages that started with Johnson indicating there will be changes to the lockdown beginning Monday, the government has sought to douse speculation that they will amount to much. That’s because the U.K., which has recorded the most coronavirus-related deaths in Europe at 31,662, is still seeing a relatively high number of infections.

Johnson is expected to announce modest changes in his pre-recorded televised address, including quarantining anyone flying into the country for 14 days except those from Ireland, amid rising evidence that Britons are increasingly flouting the “stay at home” message. British police warned Saturday that they are “fighting a losing battle” on this front.

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