Imran Khan to Pakistanis: Don’t be reckless on Eidul Azha

ISLAMABAD: (HRNW) Pakistanis should not repeat what they did on Eidul Fitr and celebrate the upcoming Eidul Azha with simplicity and necessary precautions, said Prime Minister Imran Khan.

“People didn’t think that the virus spreads more quickly when people gather in one place,” he said. “As a result, our hospitals and health workers were pressurised, the virus peaked and there were many deaths.”

The premier was speaking to the media after inaugurating the FWO-constructed Isolation Hospital and Infection Treatment Centre (IHITC) in Islamabad on Thursday. The 250-bed hospital has been built in 40 days.

Thankfully our infections are going down now, PM Khan said. “The NCOC gave instructions and provinces followed them. The situation is much better now.”

If we are careless, then cases will increase again. “Please celebrate Eidul Azha with simplicity. We have to take precautions now.”

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