Measures taken to improve education department are showing positive results, Saeed Ghani

Karachi : (HRNW) Sindh Minister for Education and Labor Saeed Ghani said that the steps taken by us to improve the education department have started showing positive results. The education sector has suffered the most from Covid, and over the past year we have not been able to launch many of the projects that were planned. A number of initiatives have been initiated including teacher exchange policy, recruitment policy, teacher training, which will yield positive results.

The IBA has the matter of the Headmasters in the High Court and we cannot make them permanent until a decision is reached. Under the Sindh Education Foundation, 4 lac 75 thousands children’s currently studying across the province and insha-Allah, their number will reach 7lac 50 thousands this year. The results of government schools have also improved a lot this year and 21 students from Karachi have achieved A1 and A grade. We will definitely implement the decision of the court regarding giving OPS and additional charge and if we face any difficulty in this, we will also approach the court. It is better if there are no court decisions like suspending the members of the Assembly for biting a dog because it makes a spectacle of Pakistan all over the world. Dogs are not only in Karachi or Sindh, they are all over the country and they bite.

The Supreme Court and the High Court are also subject to the Constitution and the law and they cannot go beyond that and give any decision. There are no differences of opinion with the PPP PDM, there may be differences of opinion, but the PDM movement is still running all together and the PPP will definitely participate in the appearance of Maryam Nawaz. He expressed these views while addressing a function held at NJV School on Thursday to give awards to students who obtained A1 and A grade in the annual examination of Matriculation Year 20-2019 under Sindh Education Foundation and later to the media. What are you talking about At the ceremony, certificates and laptops were awarded to 21 students of NJV Higher Secondary School under Sindh Education Foundation Scholarship Program for obtaining A1 and A grade.

The event was also addressed by MDSEF Abdul Kabir Qazi, Akhuwat Foundation officials and others. Educators, senior government officials, students, parents and senior management of Sindh Education Foundation were also present on the occasion. Addressing the function, Saeed Ghani said that the efforts of Sindh Education Foundation in the field of education in Sindh province are commendable. He said that at present 475,000 children are studying in the schools run by the foundation and insha-Allah future This number will be increased to 750,000 a year and at the same time the number of schools will be increased.

He said that the hard work of the successful students studying under the scholarship is due to the success of the Foundation, Government of Sindh and their parents. He added that such events not only encourage the position holders but also inspire other students to work hard. Saeed Ghani said that the damage done to the education sector due to covid last year was more than any other sector as there is scope for recovery in other sectors but the loss of one year of education is an irreparable loss. He said that the efforts we have started to improve the quality of education in Sindh province are yielding positive results and more results will come in the coming years.

Saeed Ghani said that we have started many projects in the field of education but it has come to a standstill due to covid. However, the policy we have formulated for the transfer and posting of teachers will make it difficult for teachers but it will not help schools. , Educational institutions and children will definitely improve. He said that we have also signed an MoU with IBA Sukkur to recruit 37 thousand teachers on full merit.There is some delay in this due to covid but all these recruitments have been completed. Will be on merit.

He said that we have formulated a comprehensive policy for improving teacher training schools across the province under public-private partnership for training of teachers and taking admission and examinations on merit. 3,000 to 4,000 qualified teachers will be available annually. Later, in response to media questions, Sindh Education and Labor Minister Saeed Ghani said that the IBA passed head masters has full right to protest but they should protest within the law.

He said that we cannot make them permanent on their protest as they cannot be made permanent as per the decision of the High Court. However, we have asked the Chief Justice of Sindh to review the two separate decisions of the Karachi and Hyderabad benches under the Sindh High Court. A bench has been constituted to seek a final decision in this regard. “We do not want to remove these headmasters and make them permanent, but we cannot ignore the court’s decision,” he said. Responding to a question, he said that OPS and additional charges are given to run the department due to lack of officers and if there is any decision of the court in this regard, we will definitely implement it. It is our responsibility to implement any decision whether we like it or not and when the decision comes to us in this regard, we will also inform the court if there are any difficulties in the situation. Replying to a question, Saeed Ghani said that every institution is bound to work within the ambit of the constitution and law.

He said that the esteemed judges would also make their decisions within the ambit of law and the constitution. Will improve, decisions should not be made on anyone’s wishes. He said that it was not right for me to suspend the concerned member of Sindh Assembly for biting a dog by the esteemed judge of judiciary as it was not his responsibility but the responsibility of the concerned DMCs and Municipal Corporation. Such decisions of the owners make Pakistan a spectacle all over the world. Replying to a question regarding the collection of fees by private schools and violation of Covid SOPs, the Sindh Education Minister said that we have set up a grievance cell. In this regard, the complaints of private schools have been made to the DG Private Schools while the complaints of public schools are made to the concerned DDOs and other officers and we also take action on these complaints and if If a parent has a complaint, they can file a complaint. Asked about the plight of government schools, he said, “We have started work on these 9,000 schools in the province in two phases, with 80 per cent enrollment.” Work on this has been completed in many schools while work is in progress on many while the budget is also being revised with regard to many schools. “There are more schools, so it takes time,” he said. Replying to a question on the occasion, Sindh Education and Labor Minister Saeed Ghani said that the PDM movement was still going on and it was wrong to give the impression that the views of the PPP were divided.

He said that there may be differences of opinion among the political parties but the opinions are not separate. Asked about the presence of PPP on Maryam Nawaz’s appearance in NAB, he said that PPP will definitely be present to express solidarity with her and workers led by Qamar Zaman Qaira will be present tomorrow. Speaking on the occasion, SEF MD Abdul Kabir Qazi said that as per the directives of Sindh Government and Chief Minister Sindh, 1000 new schools would be opened in all the districts of Sindh province, in which more than two lakh out-of-school children Will be entered. Where they will be provided free and quality education under science and technology.

He said that the Foundation, SEF Board which is subordinate to the Chief Minister of Sindh and strives for its achievements with the support of the Minister of Education. He appreciated the SEF team, partners and students for being a part of this journey and said that this process would help the country to move forward on the educational front. At the function, Sindh Education Minister Saeed Ghani congratulated the successful children. I presented certificates and laptops. At the end of the ceremony, the special guest Provincial Minister for Education Saeed Ghani and other guests were presented gifts and awards by MDSEF.

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