People demonstrate for peace at Easter marches across Germany

People have demonstrated for more peace in the world during the traditional Easter marches all over Germany.

In Munich, for example, according to organizers, around 1000 demonstrators demanded the abolition of nuclear weapons. They also spoke out against the use of combat drones in war operations. The police said there were about 250 participants in the Bavarian capital.

In North Rhine Westphalia, people demonstrated through the Ruhr region on bicycles after a rally in Dortmund. Elsewhere in the sate, over 100 activists set off on an Easter bicycle peace tour in the city of Muenster, according to police.

In Mainz in Rhineland-Palatinate, about 100 people came to the Easter march, according to police. In Frankfurt in neighbouring Hesse, about 1,000 people took part, according to the organizers.

In Stuttgart, the cpaital of Baden-Wuerttemberg, about 800 people took part in the rally, according to Dieter Lachenmayer, who has been organizing the Easter marches in the south-west for years as coordinator of the Peace Network Baden-Wuerttemberg.

There were also demonstrations in Dusseldorf, Saarbruecken on the French border and Nuremberg in Bavaria as well as on the island of Ruegen in the Baltic Sea.

The actions are supported by various parties, church groups, peace groups and, for example, the climate activists of the Fridays for Future movement.

This year, according to the Peace Cooperative, nationwide actions took place in around 100 cities between Holy Thursday and Easter Monday.

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