Major decisions of the Punjab government to end the crisis of wheat and flour

LAHORE (HRNW) Punjab government has moved to deal with wheat and flour crisis. Major decisions were taken in the meeting chaired by Chief Minister Pervez Elahi.

Secretary Food Nadir Chatta and Hamish Khan attended the meeting. The chief minister directed to decide the action plan within 24 hours and said that the daily government quota of wheat to the flour mills has been doubled and the sale points have also been doubled across the province.

Chaudhry Pervez Elahi said that 18 lakh 40 thousand bags of 10 kg flour will be available daily across Punjab at the official rate, while from Monday, 26 thousand tons of government wheat will be released to the flour mills in excess of their own demand, due to the increase in the government quota. Prices of private wheat and flour will come down significantly.