Italy wants more money for Africa to curb arrivals in Europe

BRUSSELS (HRNW) – Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni will ask European Union peers this week to give more money to Africa and create “European humanitarian corridors” to curb irregular immigration, a document showed.

The paper, seen by Reuters, lays out Rome’s position for a Thursday-Friday summit of the 27 EU nations’ leaders in Brussels to discuss increasing arrivals from the Middle East, north Africa and south Asia.

It called for a “more tangible commitment” by Europe “underpinned by meaningful financial resources” to work on everything from border controls to combatting human trafficking with countries along migration routes.

It also sought a new “Pact for Africa” to help investment, education, training, business and jobs around the world’s poorest continent.

The summit has been convened after Austria and the Netherlands led complaints about increasing irregular arrivals.