PTI Karachi spokesperson Arslan Taj arrested, Haleem Sheikh reached home

Karachi (HRNW) Tehreek-e-Insaf General Secretary Karachi Arslan Taj has been arrested. Arslan Taj was arrested from his residence. Plain clothed policemen entered the house of Arsalan Taj. PTI has condemned the arrest of Arsalan Taj.
Meanwhile, Sindh opposition leader Haleem Adil Shaikh Arslan reached Taj’s house and met the family to find out the details.
Haleem Adil Sheikh said, I have come to the house of Arsalan Taj, the true soldier of the captain. Arsalan Taj was abducted from the house without the lady police, the police have destroyed the sanctity of the chadar four walls, the whole party is standing with Arsalan Taj and will raise their voice.