Executive Director Alhamra Surprise Visit to Alhamra Cultural Complex

Lahore (HRNW) Executive Director Alhamra, Mr. Muhammad Saleem Sagar, paid an unexpected visit to Alhamra Cultural Complex at Qaddafi Stadium to observe the ongoing commercial plays.

During his visit, Mr. Sagar met the stage staff and expressed satisfaction with their performances. He praised Alhamra’s commitment to delivering quality drama and appreciated the strict enforcement of rules and regulations. Mr. Sagar emphasized that the integrity of the drama will not be compromised under any circumstances. Mr. Sagar also stressed the importance of maintaining moral standards and urged the stage manager, Rai Manzoor, to ensure that no immoral or offensive content is included in the plays. He encouraged regular supervision to uphold Alhamra’s reputation.

In response, stage manager Rai Manzoor assured that the scripts presented at Alhamra undergo scrutiny by the committee and that the dignity of Alhamra will always be protected.