Custom officer shot dead by unknown assailants in Karachi

KARACHI (HRNW) A shooting incident came to light from Karachi’s Liyari Rexer line area, in which a customs officer was reportedly murdered by unknown armed assailants.

Media acquired the CCTV footage of the incident, which showed that two unknown suspects dressed in Shalwar Kameez on a two-wheeler 70cc motorcycle passing through the street, the person sitting behind the rider was wearing a helmet.

The police officials stated that the customs officer caught five bullets in the attack while confirming that the incident was not a robbery attempt but a targeted killing.

As per the police statement, the victim’s mobile phone has been found, meanwhile, the preliminary investigation revealed that the incident occurred due to personal enmity, however, the police are conducting a thorough investigation into the case to nab the culprits.

The police stated that the case would be registered after the completion of the deceased’s religious rituals.