Lahore traffic police drive be replicates in Karachi: Altaf Shakoor

Karachi  (HRNW)  Following the incident of underage drivers in Lahore, the traffic police of Lahore has initiated a strong campaign to uphold traffic laws and this drive should also be replicated in Karachi, said Pasban Democratic Party (PDP) Chairman Altaf Shakoor here Sunday.

He said megacity Karachi is the worst city of Pakistan regarding violation of traffic laws. Hundreds of thousands of drivers are on roads without valid driving licence. Almost ninety percent of rickshaws here are without a number plate. Taxis and rickshaws run without fare meters. Public transport buses and minibuses don’t issue fare tickets. It is a big mess in the city when talking about traffic rules and regulations, as the traffic police of Karachi is allegedly notoriously corrupt.

Altaf Shakoor said Lahore traffic police are issuing 24000 driving licences daily. He said Karachi police should issue more than 50000 driving licenses daily but for that purpose it must increase facilities for citizens. Presently, the driving license branches in Karachi are too less to cater the needs of the megacity. It is required that dozens of more outlets to issue learning driving licenses should be opened in the city, besides mobile van service to cater the needs of different neighbourhoods.

He said recently Sindh High Court judge Nadeem Akhtar has issued strict directions to end traffic mess and roadside encouragements in Karachi and these directives should be followed in letter and spirit. He said it is high time to make  Karachi a traffic-

Disciplined city and this journey should start from the door of Karachi traffic police department.

Seperately, PDP Chairman Altaf Shakoor expressed serious concern over resumption of the genocide of the innocent people of Gaza at the hands of occupation army of Israel. He demanded of the world community and international bodies like the UNO to take notice of the war crimes of Israel and save the innocent people of Palestine, especially women and children, from this brutal genocide.

However, PDP Chairman also expressed concern over not allowing Dr Fowzia Siddiqui to meet her sister Dr Aafia Siddiqui in FMC Carswell jail, USA and demanded of the US administration to allow Dr Fowzia Siddiqui to meet her jailed sister.