K-Electric, power companies declared responsible for overbilling

ISLAMABAD (HRNW) The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) on Monday declared K-Electric (KE) and power companies responsible for overbilling electricity consumers.

As per details, the investigation of NEPRA’s inquiry committee held K-electric and DISCOs responsible for over-billing and decided to take legal action against the power distributing authorities.

The investigation uncovers that monthly meter readings exceeded 30 days, leading to the issuance of average bills affecting millions of consumers.

The Power distributing companies committed malpractices to conceal their wrongdoings and excessive bills were issued to people with less consumption.

In the wake of these startling revelations, NEPRA has summoned explanation from the power distributing companies and directed the replacement of damaged meters within 30 days.

The power companies were warned of strict action if NEPRA directives are not adhered.

Moreover, NEPRA has also issued a notice to K-electric and summons an explanation for non-compliance with meter-changing policies.