SFA team conducted a surprise inspection of Malka Food Industry

Karachi (HRNW)  Sindh Food Authority team have conducted a surprise inspection of Malika Food Industry Korangi. Director General Sindh Food Authority Agha Fakhar Hussain was also present on this occasion. Expired food items were found during inspection.
Food handlers were also not following hygiene norms. During the inspection, the sanitation situation was also found to be poor.

Sindh Food Authority team also imposed a fine of two lakh rupees on Malika Food Industry for violating hygiene norms. The team of Sindh Food Authority also temporarily got the production suspended.
Speaking on this occasion, Director General Sindh Food Authority Agha Fakhr Hussain said that violation of the rules set by Sindh Food Authority would not be tolerated under any circumstances.
People engaged in food items business should follow the rules of hygiene.