Sindh CM directs IG to recover stolen idols from Ramapir Temple

KARACHI  (HRNW) Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah on Friday took notice of the theft of idols and other valuables from the “Rama Pir” temple in Tando Adam and has sought a report from concerned authorities, media reported.

According to a statement issued here from CM House, Shah directed the IG Police to recover all stolen goods including idols and submit him report forthwith.

Murad Ali Shah said that no high-handedness to minorities would not be tolerated.

CM also directed the IG Sindh to submit a progress report regarding the recovery of the child abducted three days ago from Pano Aqil. He also sought a report regarding the recovery of the abductees in the last three days.

Murad Ali Shah also directed to enhance Police patrolling in Karachi and other areas where crime rate is high.

The IG Police was told to send details of the operation being carried out in Katcha areas of the province to CM Secretariat.

The Rama Pir temple is one of the third largest pilgrimage sites for the Hindus in Sindh. Situated in the heart of Tando Allayar in Sindh. This pilgrimage centre attracts thousands of local Hindus to express their devotions to their saviour deity.