Scams in housing cooperative societies fleece poor allottees: Altaf Shakoor

KARACHI (HRNW)  Mega scams in housing cooperative societies continue to fleece poor allottees as the black sheep in government patronize this organized mafia involved in land frauds of billions of rupees, said Pasban Democratic Party (PDP) Chairman Altaf Shakoor here Sunday.

Referring to a recent decision of the Sindh High Court that has filed a plan to illegally occupy plots worth billions of rupees in cooperative societies and suspending the registrar of cooperative societies, he said that these cases should be the eye opener for the Sindh government.

He welcomed that the court has also suspended a decision to supersede more than 70 societies. It has ordered the immediate removal of the registrar of cooperative societies and declared the appointment of a Grade 18 Registrar Zameer Abbasi to Grade 19 null and void.

Altaf Shakoor said that mostly corrupt people get themselves appointed as registrars of cooperative societies after paying hefty bribes to the ruling politicians. These people than mint money by fleecing allottees and occupying and illegally selling their plots worth billions of rupees. He said cooperative housing societies are the part of a mega organised land fraud mafia which is thriving under the patronage of the ruling politicians in Sindh.

He said notorious “corruption system” of Sindh government appoints administrators of these housing societies who use thugs to illegally sell the plots of allottees. He said elections in these housing cooperative societies are mostly fake and same mafias control these societies through fraudulent elections.

He said the government fully knows about this mega scam but still protect these thugs because they grease the palms of our corrupt ruling politicians.

Altaf Shakoor welcoming the SHC decision, demanded that a judicial commission should be formed to probe the mega scam of cooperative societies to provide justice and protection to ordinary allottees.