Rampant use of loudspeakers challenged in SHC

KARACHI (HRNW) A petitioner has challenged the rampant use of external sound systems in the Sindh High Court, media reported on Tuesday.

The high court served notices to the parties in the case and summoned reply from the provincial and the federal governments within four weeks over the matter.

According to the petition, the use of loudspeaker has been prohibited under the law. “The loudspeakers could only be used for prayers call (Azan), Khutba (sermon) or for announcement of a death or missing,” petition read.

The petitioner sought the court to order the government and police to ensure enforcement of the ‘external sound system law’.

It is to be mentioned here that under the law it is unlawful for any person to use, or assist in using, or allowing the use of a sound system which generates any loud, unnecessary or unusual noise or any noise which annoys, disturbs, injures, or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace, or safety of persons in a vicinity.