Sindh taking steps to develop tourism sector: Murad Ali Shah

KARACHI (HRNW) Sindh’s Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah on Tuesday said that his government taking steps for development of tourism sector, media reported.

Chairing a session of the SIFC, chief minister said that the government will change Gorakh Hill, Keenjhar Lake and Haleji Lake into the best tourism spots.

He also vowed plantation of olive trees at Gorakh hill station to boost the provincial economy. “We are also working over a proposal of construction of Gorakh Expressway from Karachi via Dadu,” Murad Ali Shah said.

He said the Sindh government intends to promote green tourism along with developing tourism points.

He also directed for construction of six-kilometer road from Thatta Carriageway to Haleji Lake. “The construction of road will boost tourism to Haleji Lake.

Sindh chief minister also highlighted the need of more steps to improve the desert safari sports.

Murad Ali Shah also directed for preparation of the agriculture farm model under the agriculture department for public-private partnership.