A 16-year-old girl was abducted from Gulistan Johar, Karachi

Karachi (HRNW) A 16-year-old girl was abducted from Gulistan Johar. The father says that the daughter works at home and used to come to her mother’s bungalow after finishing her work.

According to the details, a 16-year-old girl was abducted in Golestan Johar area of ​​Karachi, the police has registered a case of the incident.

Sharia Faisal police registered a case on the complaint of the father, who said that the driver, wife and daughter work in people’s homes.

In the text of the case, it was said that the residents of my wife’s bungalow have gone for Hajj. He left his daughter with his wife on the morning of June 11.

In the FIR, it was said that the daughter used to come to her mother’s bungalow after finishing her work. In the CCTV footage, the daughter was seen leaving the bungalow. The daughter is suspected of being kidnapped. The police are harassing me instead of finding my daughter.