National Assembly adopts resolution against US House passed

ISLAMABAD (HRNW) – The National Assembly of Pakistan adopted a resolution against the resolution the American House of Representatives passed by majority vote.

The members of the Sunni Unity Council (SIC) opposed the resolution and shouted slogans in the House.

The motion for resolution was presented by Shaista Pervez Malik.

According to the resolution the House expresses concern over the US resolution.

It is said that the American resolution is not completely based on facts. Moroever, according to it Pakistan is a free and independent country that doesn’t tolerate interference in its internal matters.

The resolution called on the US and the world to consider the plight of the people of Gaza and Occupied Kashmir.

The resolution further states that the House is keen to promote mutual relations with the US on an equal footing.


The House takes note of the resolution ‘Expressing Support for Democracy in Pakistan’ enacted in the US House of Representatives on 25th June 2024. Pakistan upholds the universal principles of democracy and fundamental human rights according to the spirit of the 1973 Constitution.

Reiterating Pakistan’s efforts to protect and uphold the above principles the resolutions reaffirmed Pakistan’s commitment to building a strong and stable democratic society.

The US resolution was based on incomplete information and a misunderstanding of Pakistan’s political and electoral process. The resolution denies the free exercise of voting by millions of Pakistanis in the general elections on February 8, 2024.

Pakistan will not accept any interference in its internal affairs and according to the resolution wants a strong bilateral relationship with the United States based on equality, mutual respect, and cooperation.

This House expresses the hope that in the future the US Congress will play a more constructive role in strengthening Pakistan-US bilateral relations.