PTI founder’s arrest an ‘internal matter’, Pakistan on UN body’s report

ISLAMABAD (HRNW) In response to a report by United Nations (UN) Working Group on Arbitrary Detention regarding PTI founder Imran Khan’s detention, Law Minister Senator Azam Nazeer Tarar on Tuesday called the arrest and pending cases against him an “internal matter of Pakistan”.

“Pakistan was a sovereign state and its court enforced its Constitution and laws, and took decisions accordingly,” the minister said in a statement.

Responding to the UN body’s report, the minister said the PTI founder was in the jail as a convicted prisoner. He had all rights as per the Constitution of Pakistan and laws. and international norms.

He said the relief given to the PTI founder by the courts in many cases manifested a transparent and fair trial of his cases by the judiciary. “It was biased and unfair to make demands beyond the ambit of Constitution, law and international norms”, he added.