Punjab seeks Army, Rangers’ assistance for Muharram security

LAHORE (HRNW) The Punjab government has sought assistance of Pakistan Army and Rangers to ensure ‘peace and security’ during the holy month of Muharram, media reported on Friday.

“Law enforcement agencies (LEAs) will render their services for the peaceful observance of Muharram,” said a statement issued by the Punjab Home Department’s spokesperson.

According to the statement, the Punjab government has sought deployment of 150 contingents of the Army and Rangers following the requirements of different districts.

“The Punjab police sent a letter to the home department, requesting the deployment of 69 contingents of the Army and 81 squads of Rangers across Punjab to assist in providing security during Muharram,” it added.

The assistance of the security forces have been sought from the 1st to the 12th of Muharram, depending on the needs of each district.

The request for assistance was made in a letter written by the Home Department to the Pakistan Army and Rangers, in response to a request from the Punjab Police for additional security measures.