Finally, May 9 Mastermind Has Confessed to the Plot: CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif

Lahore (HRNW)- “The May 9 culprit has confessed to planning and masterminding the riots,” said Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif in a statement. She added, ”It is not a party, but an anarchist group whose sole purpose is to harm the state through mischief.”

Madam Chief Minister said,”Zaman Park remained a training headquarters for the terrorists, training was given for making petrol bombs and attacking the state.” She added, ”May 9 was planned during the 4-months drama of plaster-cast leg.”

Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif said,”What a peaceful protest it was, in which more than 200 military installations were attacked, air force planes were set on fire, corps commanders’ houses were burnt, and martyrs’ memorials were desecrated.” She added,”Conspiracies to make Pakistan default, write letters to IMF, wave ciphers, and desecrate martyrs’ memorials are part of this big conspiracy.”

Madam Chief Minister said,”In the presence of evidence, strict action against this evil anarchist group, following the constitution and law, is a requirement of national security and national interests.” She added,”This is the same conspiratorial group that alienated the friendly countries from Pakistan, used bad language against their leadership, made baseless accusations on CPEC and China, and stopped the visit of the President of China by staging a sit-in.” She highlighted,”In 2014, they attacked Parliament, PTV, Prime Minister House, washed dirty clothes on the walls of the police headquarters, and dug graves in D Chowk.”