Reserved seats granted to party having no representation in Parliament, says Atta Tarar

ISLAMABAD (HRNW) – Federal Information Minister Atta Tarar raised the question on the Supreme Court’s verdict on reserved seats to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), saying how a party could have reserved seats which didn’t have representation in Parliament.

In a press conference in Islamabad, he cleared the air on the Election Amendment Bill, saying it was approved with the majority vote from both houses of Parliament, National Assembly and Senate.

He insisted that a rule mandating a party member to join a new party within three days had been made law now. He argued that how could a candidate change his party after submitting an affidavit.

“Parliament is a superior institution having a jurisdiction of legislation, it has made a rule, a law,” Federal Minister Atta Tarar asserted.

Atta Tarar reiterated that a party could get reserved seats on representation in the Parliament according to the constitution and a political party provided a list of candidates for reserved seats in the Parliament.

He argued that Sunni Ittehad Council chairman didn’t contest the party election nor have representation in Parliament, then how could the party have reserved seats.

A party didn’t request relief but provided relief by granting reserved seats, Tarar added.

Information minister insisted that the SC couldn’t interfer in the constitution.

He asserted that two judges of SC raised key questions, and the apex court hadn’t issued the detailed verdict for 15 days.

Tarar also lambasted the PTI, a specific party that was doing political point scoring on the situation of 1971 and current situation of Bangladesh.

Federal minister berated Imran Khan and his party for declaring Sheikh Mujeebur Rehman a hero, saying, Imran Khan compared himself with Mujeebur Rehman and his party leaders asserted that their leader was like Mujeebur Rehman.

But when Bangladeshis attacked the Mujeebur Rehman statue, PTI changed its narrative. He lambasted PTI for changing the narrative who asked for foreign relief like Mujeebur Rehman asked for.