Karachi (HRNW) In the election of Karachi Bar Association the incumbent Munir Ahmed Malik smashed the strong rivals and elected as new president of KBA.
Rest of ranks results remained the same and members of Karachi Bar Association ignored the previous faces and changed the taste with new candidates.
According to the enumeration President Munir Ahmed Malik secured 2099 votes and runner up Kashif Hanif got round figure of 1400, while other contestant and old face of election Mahmood ul Hasan could get 948 votes in his favour.
In the contest of vice president herein also new face namely Abdul Rasheed Mahar secured first position with the counting of 1194 votes and Naeem ullah Bhutto remained on second position with 1111 votes. Other VP candidates Fareed Ahmed got 1074, Uzma Rafiqe 363, Liaquat Ali Hamid 357 and Raja Rashid secured 356 votes.
Likewise the members of KBA chose new faces for the seat of General Secretary G.M. Korai (1390), Nadeem Ahmed Mangi (2347) as newly elected joint secretary, Shanti Devi (1821) as Treasurer and Amrat (2043) as a Librarian for the year of 2020.
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