PTI govt’s prudent economic policies bearing fruits: Hammad Azhar

LAHORE: (HRNW) Minister for Economic Affairs, Hammad Azhar has said that investment in the country has increased by 78 per cent because of the prudent policies of the government.

Addressing a function in Lahore on Sunday, he said the government has taken major and difficult decisions for economic stability in the country.

He said steps are also being taken to reduce the burden of prices of electricity and gas on the common man. The economic affairs minister said that 2019 was the year of economic stability, and 2020 will be the year of progress and prosperity of the country.

On Thursday, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Muhammad Hammad Azhar met with Japanese State Minister for Foreign Affairs Kenji Wakamiya in Tokyo.

According to a statement issued by the ministry, the two leaders reviewed the entire spectrum of bilateral relations and identified areas for further cooperation in political, economic, trade, investment, education and cultural fields.

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