Berlin’s natural history museum says bye to Tristan Otto the T-Rex

Berlin (dpa) – Berlin’s natural history museum is temporarily saying goodbye to its main exhibit – a 170-bone skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus rex its owners affectionately named Tristan Otto.

Visitors will able to bid farewell to Tristan Otto over the weekend before each of his 170 original bones are packed up individually, placed in 30 crates and transported to Copenhagen, where they will be exhibited for 12 to 18 months before returning home.

Tristan Otto is owned by two private collectors who chose the name to honour their sons. The owners lent the exhibit to the natural history museum free of charge in 2015, and the museum has counted 3 million visitors since then.

Despite the name, it is unclear whether the dinosaur, whose frame measures 4 by 12 metres, was male or female.

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