Turkey deports another alleged terrorist to Germany

Turkey’s authorities repatriated a German citizen they described as a terrorist to Germany, state news agency Anadolu reported on Tuesday, citing sources in the Interior Ministry.

The man was a terrorist fighter who had been returned to his county, the report said, without stating where he was headed or what charges he faced.

Turkey’s Interior Ministry reportedly said that Germany’s authorities had been informed about the deportation.

The man is to be sent to Hamburg, according to dpa’s sources, but will not be arrested on arrival.

Germany’s authorities have no evidence that the man had spent time in areas controlled by the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, the sources said.

In recent months, Turkey has repeatedly deported what it calls “foreign terrorist fighters” to their countries of origin.

The Turkish military launched an offensive on October 9 targeting the Kurdish People’s Protection Units, or YPG – regarded by the government as a terrorist organization.

Some 287 Islamic State followers were arrested, including women and children, according to official statistics, but the YPG had arrested numerous Islamic State fighters and their families so these may include fighters’ relatives.

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