KPT reviews action plan for handling cargo operations during Corona virus emergency

Karachi (HRNW)- In order to deal with the Corona Virus epidemic, a meeting of all GMs and Managers was called by Chairman KPT Rear Admiral (R) Jamil Akhtar HI (M) T.Bt at KPT Head Office today. The course of action implemented presently and further measures to be taken by KPT against Corona Virus epidemic was discussed in detail. It was decided that all essential measures required for continuing the port operations by Karachi Port will be ensured while further supplementing the SOPs against Corona Virus, for safe handling of ships at port. KPT has already taken Port Health Office and Plant Protection departments onboard for proper testing and monitoring crew and cargo. Proper spraying of open spaces be ensured for preventive purposes besides berths and washing of berthing side of the ships to ensure restriction of corona virus spread under the broad guidelines of government directives as well as IMO guidelines.

Necessary directives for monitoring temperature and health condition of KPT officials and staff working inside port area, stevedoring company representatives and all labour present inside port area have been issued. In this regard, The Chief Medical Officer of KPT has been given the authority and responsibility for further augmenting proper gears/equipment/masks as well as the medicines for providing treatment during the epidemic period. KPT is strictly monitoring the port area to prohibit all gatherings at its premises.

During this epidemic period, Karachi Port will remain functional with minimum skeleton staff and officials with flexible timings. The nonessential officers and staff will be given quarantine leave, as per rules and continue to work remotely and online from home. Daily wages work will be called for essential work and the rest are to stay back home with privileges of full pay without deduction for months of March and April 2020. Besides this, directives have been issued to stop all unnecessary activities and to discourage visitors at KPT. KPT will cooperate and coordinate with the Commissioner Karachi ensuring strict compliance of the directives issued while continuing with port operations to ensure smooth flow of imports and exports, so vital for the economy of the country.

Ministry of Maritime Affairs has also issued instructions and guidelines and the actions taken by KPT are in accordance to these guidelines.

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