Men attack Pirabad SHO for performing her duty in Karachi

Karachi (HRNW) Pirabad woman SHO Sharafat Khan  was attacked by a group of men after she and her team stopped them from entering a mosque before Friday prayers.

A lockdown has been imposed in Pakistan to contain the spread of coronavirus. Many provinces have even banned people from saying Friday congregational prayers in mosques. On April 10, however, many people still went to different mosques, ignoring the government’s orders.

Khan reached the site and told the men to follow the law. This, however, irked them and they attacked her. They even broke her glasses.

After the prayers were over, Khan’s team made a video of all the people leaving the mosque.

Judicial Magistrate Asif Ali Abbasi took notice of the incident and asked the West SSP and DIG to submit a report. He said that strict action will be taken against all those who don’t follow the law.

Tahir Ashrafi, a cleric, called the incident condemnable, adding that the men involved not only violated the law but also attacked a woman.

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