Germany’s Maas calls for unified EU stance on Hong Kong security law

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas is calling for the European Union to take a unified stance on a controversial national security law that was recently imposed on Hong Kong by China.

“I am pushing for us to quickly discuss which consequences the law should have for our relationship with Hong Kong and China. The initial proposal on this will be on Monday,” he told the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland media group for its Monday edition.

EU foreign ministers are set to hold regular talks on Monday.

“I am firmly convinced that we can only achieve something vis-a-vis China if we, as the EU, speak with one voice,” he stressed.

Beijing last month imposed a new national security law on Hong Kong, targeting acts of independence, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces. Critics say its meant to quash dissent in the financial hub, which has been roiled by protests for the past year.

Maas said that there would be a close examination of what exactly the effects of China’s new law will be, and that the main question is now whether China will adhere to its international obligations.

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