PM aide rebuts dual nationality claim, shares affidavit

ISLAMABAD: (HRNW) A day after the cabinet division issued details of assets and dual nationalities of the prime minister’s advisers and special assistants, SAPM on National Security Moeed Yusuf rebutted the claim of being dual national.

Taking to Twitter today, he said: “Contrary to the canard being spread about me, I only hold citizenship of ONE country and that is Pakistan.”

He shared the undertaking he said he had previously submitted to the government, which reads: “I [Dr Moeed Yusuf] am a Pakistani citizen by birth and that I do not hold, and have never held citizenship of any other country.”

“I have not returned to the US since I took up my current responsibility, have no employment or income in the US. Nor do I have any millions worth properties abroad as is being insinuated. I or my family have NO fixed property anywhere but Pakistan. Stop spreading lies,” he said.

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