Ritter Sport chocolate clung on to its trademark square design in Germany on Thursday, thanks to a ruling from the country’s top court.

The Federal Court of Justice rejected two requests to have the protected brand lifted, in a final decision that ends a 10-year battle by Milka to strip its competitor of the sole rights to square chocolate bars.

The registered trademarks laying claim to the shape “do not give any significant value to the chocolate bars marketed in the packaging,” the court said.

The ruling referred to Ritter Sport’s slogan – “Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut.” (Square. Practical. Good.) – and said that the shape was part of a marketing strategy linked to the chocolate’s origins and therefore comes with certain expectations of quality.

At the same time, the design was not considered by the judges to hold special artistic value, nor does it lead to any difference in price.

Ritter Sport was founded in 1912 and is based in Waldenbuch near Stuttgart.

According to the company’s website, the square design was born in 1932 after co-founder Clara Ritter decided that the bars should be able to fit into the pocket of every sport jacket without breaking.

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