Pakistan will never stay quiet on the Kashmir issue: PM

ISLAMABAD: (HRNW)  Pakistan will never stay quiet on the Kashmir issue and will always stand with its Kashmiri brothers, Prime Minister Imran Khan said in his speech in the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly Wednesday.

Pakistan is observing the day of solidarity with Kashmir on August 5 which marks one year since the annexation of Indian-occupied Kashmir by New Delhi. India had revoked Kashmir’s special autonomous status by repealing articles 35A and 370 of its constitution on August 5, 2019

“Narendra Modi thinks that Pakistan will not speak up against India’s tyranny on Kashmiris,” the premier said. He said Pakistan would ignore Kashmir and its people under no circumstances.

PM Khan said his government brought up the dispute on international platforms on several occasions. We are finally seeing the result of our hard work as the international community has started raising their voices over the issue, he said.

President Arif Alvi addressed a rally in solidarity with residents of occupied Kashmir in Islamabad on Wednesday. It was attended by Senate Chairperson Sadiq Sanjrani and Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi among other senators and officials.

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