Facebook to share data with FIA in a bid to eradicate cybercrime

ISLAMABAD  (HRNW) Social networking site Facebook agreed on Friday to share its data with local authorities to investigate and eradicate cybercrime.

The Facebook administration has signed an agreement with the cybercrime wing of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) of Pakistan to share the data with Pakistani authorities in a bid to secure the electronic horizon and curb the leeway cyber criminals enjoyed.

The team of technical experts with the social network also concurred with Pakistan’s aspiration for expediting cybercrime investigations.

The investigation watchdog will now have an access to data from the Social networking site in order to expand its investigations in the cybercrime cases.

Earlier, the cybercrime wing of FIA had its limits as the global e-social site had not allowed it access to the information into its data due to which many cases could not be proceeded or disposed of.

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