Germany records large drop in 7-day count of coronavirus cases

The number of new infections with the coronavirus in Germany has recently fallen significantly according to a seven-day measurement, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for disease prevention said on Thursday.

The number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days – the so-called seven-day incidence rate – was at 119 – the lowest value since November 1.

The incidence rate has fallen consistently over the past 10 days. It had reached its previous high of 197.6 on December 22.

However, the differences between states are significant: the state with the highest seven-day incidence rate is Thuringia with 225 and Brandenburg with 203.3. Bremen has the lowest value at 76.6.

Health authorities reported 20,398 new coronavirus infections within 24 hours on Thursday.

A further 1,013 people died in connection with the virus, bringing the death toll to 49,783.

Since the beginning of the pandemic 2,088,400 cases have been recorded.

The actual total number is likely to be much higher, as many infections are not detected.

The stated aim of Germany’s current lockdown is to bring the number of coronavirus cases recorded per 100,000 people over a seven-day period back down to below 50 – at which stage overwhelmed health authorities can resume tracking chains of infection.

Sweeping sections of public life, including schools and non-essential shops, will remain closed until at least February 14.

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