Merkel voices ‘concern’ over Iran deal in Rouhani call

BERLIN (HRNW) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday held a rare telephone call with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in which she voiced her “concern” over Tehran s non-compliance with the 2015 nuclear pact, her spokesman said.

“She expressed her concern that Iran continues to fail to meet its obligations under the nuclear agreement,” spokesman Steffen Seibert said in a statement.

The chancellor also said that “now was the time for positive signals that create trust and increase the chances of a diplomatic solution”, he added.

The call came on the eve of crunch talks between three European countries and the United States on how to salvage the deal aimed at reigning in Iran s nuclear programme.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian will host his German and British counterparts in Paris, with America s new top diplomat Antony Blinken joining via videoconference, the French foreign ministry said.

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