Power outage in Karachi even on holidays

Karachi (HRNW) Power outages continued in Karachi even on holidays. The duration of load shedding in many areas reached three to nine hours. Power supply was also disrupted due to cable and PMT faults. The closure continued to be a nuisance for citizens.
A hot weather in Karachi and long load shedding from above made life difficult for the citizens
On the day of the holiday, the citizens appeared to be suffering from unannounced load shedding, but despite the shortfall, they took faults of cable and PMT. Citizens also bubbled over the power outage for several hours.
Unannounced load shedding has been taking place around Shah Faisal and the airport for the last three days. Power outages have also become common in Old City Area, Sultanabad, Korangi, Surjani Town, Orangi and Liaquatabad. With the bills, the extra cost of generator petrol is falling heavily on the pockets of the citizens.

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