Lockdown in Sindh including Karachi should be ended: MQM Pakistan

KARACHI: (HRNW) MQM Pakistan has demanded an end to lockdown in Sindh. Convener MQM Pakistan Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui has said that if the Prime Minister decides to open Karachi today, he will open business tomorrow.
Addressing a press conference in Karachi, Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui said that the Prime Minister thinks that if the lockdown issue is not resolved then the traders of Karachi will open their businesses. Khalid Maqbool also demanded waiver of tax and utility bills of Karachi traders and said that if business is run in Karachi then Pakistan is run. Declare the federation and the provinces of Karachi and Hyderabad as disaster.
MQM Pakistan leader Aamir Khan said that the Sindh government had turned Karachi into ruins. Aamir Khan said that strictures are being imposed only in Urdu speaking areas. This is not in favor of the provincial government of Pakistan. Aamir Khan said that as long as the current rulers of Sindh remain, the province will not be able to develop.

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