Faisal Vawda alleges open horse-trading in Karachi’s mayoral elections

ISLAMABAD: (HRNW) The former Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Faisal Vawda claimed that the mayoral elections of Karachi witnessed open horse-trading among Union Council (UC) chairmen.

While talking to News program Off the Record, former PTI leader Faisal Vawda, claimed that chairman’s openly sold their votes in the Karachi mayoral elections and the entire party was sold at the rate of one person.

According to Faisal Vawda, in our nation, the individual with the highest bid in the market is the one who can acquire the goat, signifying the absence of morality and democracy within our society.

“The councilors openly take part in horse trading in the Karachi’s mayoral elections and abduction is now only become an excuse,” Vawda said.