KARACHI (HRNW) Special Investigation Unit (SIU) Sindh on Tuesday conducted an operation and apprehended the most wanted extortionist – Zia alias Kala – from Karachi.
According to the details, an extortionist – affiliated with the Sindh Building Control Authority (SBCA) – has been arrested by the Special Investigation Unit of the police from Karachi.
A case of extortion has been registered against accused Zia alias Kala in Preedy police station.
Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Junaid Sheikh reveals that a raid was conducted at the house of the wanted extortionist Zia alias Kala – who allegedly associated with the Sindh Building Control Department (SBCA). He was allegedly operated mafia there, and used collected money and distributing it among himself used other officers.
The SSP stated that there have been many irregularities regarding allowances in SBCA, important revelations are expected during the investigation of the arrested accused in this regard. According to Junaid Sheikh, the bail of the accused was canceled by the court last month.
SSP states that there have been numerous irregularities in the Sindh Building Control Authority (SBCA) related to the collection of bribes.
He added that, the investigation process in underway during which significant revelations are expected in this regard.
According to Junaid Sheikh, the suspect’s bail was canceled by the court last month.