‘Online delivery’ of arms behind rising street crime in Karachi

KARACHI (HRNW) In-charge Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) Raja Umar Khattab Monday claimed about 70 per cent of illegal weapons are being trafficked into Karachi via online channels.

In an exclusive interview about rising street crimes in the port city, Raja Umar Khattab said that ’70 per cent of illegal weapons are being transported to Karachi from KP after online orders’.

“Place an online order for the weapon and get it by morning.”

The illegal weapons are being brought into Karachi through passenger busses, and courier services after 50pc advance payment, he added.

The CTD in-charge said the situation in Karachi is more ‘dangerous‘ as compared to the Katcha area of the province. Mr. Khitab claimed the majority of ‘government employees’ are part of the weapons supply rackets.

The CTD head further revealed that apart from criminals, students and hobbyists are also ordering online weapons.

Raja Umar Khattab said crime would end when there were no illegal weapons and added to legalise all the ‘illegal weapons’ or seizure of legal weapons.