PPP believes in equal rights of all citizens including minorities, Taimur Talpur

Karachi  (HRNW) Provincial Minister for Information Science and Technology Taimur Talpur has said that PPP believes in equal rights of all citizens irrespective of color, race and religion. We will continue to fight for the equal rights of minorities and for the establishment of an equal and democratic society.
In his message on National Minorities Day, Provincial Minister Taimur Talpur said that all citizens, including minorities, have the right to live according to their religion. The PPP is the true heir to Quaid-e-Azam’s vision, which he expressed in his August 11 speech. Protecting and empowering the rights of minorities is part of the PPP’s manifesto. The 1973 constitution guarantees equal rights to minorities.
He said that PPP has always taken practical and revolutionary steps for the rights and welfare of minorities. Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto as the Prime Minister set up a separate ministry for the solution of the problems of minorities. Former President Asif Ali Zardari has started celebrating August 11 as a national day to show solidarity with minorities. The PPP ensured adequate representation of minorities in all government institutions, including parliament.
The provincial minister said that the role and sacrifices of minorities in the socio-economic development of Pakistan are long, glorious and historic. Today we must all pledge that despite being followers of different religions, we are all one nation. Also, the provincial minister, Taimur Talpur, strongly condemned the police shelling and stoning of PML-N vice-president Maryam Nawaz and PML-N workers.
He said that the NAB-Niazi nexus was bent on destroying the country, a political leader appeared before the NAB. So the use of stones, violence and tear gas is actually revenge. The fascism and dictatorship of the Niazi government is reprehensible, shameful and regrettable. Police stoning and attacking a political leader’s car is a sign of a dictatorial era. Imran Niazi is taking political revenge on the opponents through NAB.
He said that drama should be stopped in the name of accountability. Remember Imran Niazi, you will not have a place to hide. Puppet rulers are undermining the foundations of the country through undemocratic and political revenge. Political leaders are not afraid of jail, jail is another home for political activists.

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