Sir Ganga Ram’s Great-granddaughter, Senator Kesha Ram Hinsdale, Visited Alhamra

Lahore (HRNW) Sir Ganga Ram’s great-granddaughter Senator Kesha Ram Hinsdale, and her husband, Jacob Hinsdale, visited Alhamra Arts Center, the Mall. Chairman Alhamra Razi Ahmed and Executive Director Lahore Biennale Foundation Qudsia Rahim warmly welcomed them.
Chairman Alhmra Razi Ahmad said in his comments that Sir Ganga Ram served the people without distinction and caste, dedicated himself to serving the people, and the world never forgets those who do so much for humanity.

On the visit of Kesha and her husband, Atiquddin Ahmed curated an exhibition on the life and legacy of Sir Ganga Ram and his contemporaries, who shaped Modern Lahore as we see it today. The exhibition titled “Makers of Lahore” Kipling, Singh, Ram, and Dada was inaugurated by Senator Kesha Ram Hinsdale. John Lockwood Kipling, Bhai Ram Singh, Sir Ganga Ram, and Nayyar Ali Dada cannot be separated from Lahore and its built heritage. This exhibition is the start of a research project that explores modernism in his works and approach.

Apart from the exhibition, a talk, “Bridging the Divide: A Conversation between Senator Kesha Ram Hinsdale and FS Ejzazuddin,” was also held at Alhamra Hall 1. They discussed Kesha’s path of public service, humanitarian efforts, human rights, and how Kesha’s family life and legacy influenced her work. They also talked about Kesha’s visit and how her visit to Lahore has shaped her image of the city through Sir Ganga Ram’s contribution to engineering and design.

At the end of the ceremony, the Lahore Biennale Foundation thanked the Alhamra Arts Council and other supporting organizations for their generous support in making this program so successful.